EU economic governance: new rules for new times?

Cour des comptes, 13 rue Cambon, 75001, Paris - 2022-05-10

The High Council of public finance and the EU Network of Independent Fiscal Institutions are organising a conference on the afternoon of 10 May in the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union.




EU economic governance: new rules for new times? 
10 May 2022 – Cour des comptes, Paris 

Opening remarks

Pierre Moscovici, President of the French High Council of public finance

Keynote Speech

Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner

Panel 1 – Assessment of the European budgetary rules, recommendations for reform and updates on the currents negotiations 

Emmanuel Moulin, French Treasury DG

Niels Thygesen, Chairman of the European fiscal board

Richard van Zwol, President of the EU IFI network

Dr Carlos Cuerpo Caballero, Secretary General of the Spanish treasury

Moderated by Isabelle Job-Bazille, Member of the French Haut conseil des finances publiques

Keynote speech

Olivier Blanchard, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Professor of Economics emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Panel 2 – Reforming fiscal rules: what is the impact for the stakeholders ? 

Pascal Blanqué, Chairman of the Amundi Institute

Éric Woerth, MP, President of the Finance Committee of the French National Assembly

Sarah Carlson, Senior Vice President Moody's 

Dr Nicola Giammarioli, Secretary General, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

Modératrice : Lucie Robequain, Editor in chief France, Les Échos

Closing speech

François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the French Central Bank